MAPS Laboratory
Materials’(Ma) Process(P) - Structure(S) correlations Laboratory
Welcome to

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna)
Course Teaching in IIT Patna by Dr. A. Chowdhury
Invited Teaching Activities
Theory Courses
​MM307: Ceramics and Glass
MM306: Functional Materials
MM304: Corrosion and Degradation in Materials
MM501: Nanostructured Materials
MM502: Materials Processing Technology
MM503: Advanced Materials Characterization Techniques
MM504: Structural and Functional properties of Materials
MM508: Advanced Ceramics and Glass
MM621: Thin Films An Engineering Approach
RM6201: Research Methodology
Lab Courses
MM519: Microstructure and Phase Analysis Laboratory
MM520: Materials Characterization Laboratory
Invited Teachings Activities
Dr. A. Chowdhury has been invited numerous times to deliver expert lectures on different online courses as a part of faculty (from polytechnic and engineering institutes of all over the country) development program organised by "National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR)”, Chandigarh (Apr. - Dec. 20)
Dr. Anirban Chowdhury was invited to teach a module as Dental Materials Characterization for ‘Clinical Dentistry’ module organised at the Centre for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology at Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, Jun. 2021.