MAPS Laboratory
Materials’(Ma) Process(P) - Structure(S) correlations Laboratory
Welcome to

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna)
Awards/Accolades received:
Recognization by ICDD
1. Our work on La₂Zr₂O₇ has been chosen for a STANDARD file (PDF Card No. 01-085-6855) in
ICDD ( International Centre for Diffraction Data).
By PhD Students:
13. An International Conference on Environmental Challenges, Opportunities and Sustainability at Center for the Environment, IIT Guwahati, 09-11 December, 2024
[Best Oral Presentation awarded to Sravan Bokka]
12. 2nd Technical Symposium of MME Department, Dravya-2024, IIT Patna
[Best Presentation awarded to Annu Kumar Lakshya]
11. 13th Research Scholars Day, IIT Patna-2024
[2nd Best Poster awarded to Annu Kumar Lakshya]
10. 2nd Technical Symposium of MME Department, Dravya-2024, IIT Patna
[1st Best Poster awarded to Jejitti Aravind Reddy]
9. 13th Research Scholars Day, IIT Patna-2024
[1st Best Poster awarded to Jejitti Aravind Reddy]
8. 13th Research Scholars Day, IIT Patna-2024
[2nd Best Poster awarded to Sravan Bokka]
7. 1st Technical Symposium of MME department, Dravya-2023, IIT Patna
[Best Oral Presentation awarded to Lakshaman Kumar]
6. 10th Research Scholars Day, IIT Patna- 2021
[Best Poster awarded to Lakshaman Kumar]
5. 8th Research Scholars Day, IIT Patna- 2019
[Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
4. 8th Research Scholars Day themed presentation, “My Research in 3 minutes”, IIT Patna- 2019
[2nd position awarded to Kundan Kumar]
3. 1st Indian Materials Conclave and 30th Annual General Meeting of MRSI, IISc Bangalore (2019)
[Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
2. 7th Interdisciplinary Symposium on Materials Chemistry (ISMC), BARC Mumbai, India (2018)
[Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
1. International Conference on Functional Material (ICFM-2016); IIT Kharagpur, 2016
[Best Poster awarded to Kundan Kumar]
❖ Institute Silver Medal, M.Tech-2014-2016 [Rishu Kumar]
❖ Institute Silver Medal, M.Tech-2016-2018 [Saurabh Srivastava]
❖ Institute Silver Medal, Department Topper, MME, M.Tech-2021-2023 [Himirkanti Sarkar]
❖ Institute Proficiency Prizes for best Masters' Project-MTP, M.Tech-2021-2023 [Pranav Ameta]
❖ National Symposium on Sintering (NSS-2024) from 16th-18th May,2024 at IIT Patna
A. Keshav Kumar Jha awarded for Best Oral Presentation (B.Tech-2019-2023)
B. Spandan Prasad Sahu awarded for Best Poster Presentation (B.Tech-2020-2024)