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MAPS Laboratory
Materials’(Ma) Process(P) - Structure(S) correlations Laboratory
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Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IIT Patna)
Facilities procured with Institute Funding:

X-Ray Diffractometer
(Rigaku, TTRAX III,MiniFlex 600)

UV-Vis spectrophotometer

Thermal Analysis (TG- DSC) unit

Muffle Furnace (1600 °C)

Muffle Furnace (1500 °C)

Tube Furnace (1400 °C)
Synthesis of nanoparticles: dedicated state-of-the-art facilities for synthesis routes involving material chemistry and colliodal precipitation etc.

Millipore Unit

(Eppendorf, Centrifuge 5804)

Spin Coater
(Semco Scientific Pvt. Ltd.)

Multi- tube Vortex Shaker

Processing, Consolidation and Sintering of ceramics:
Fabrication of bulk ceramics via uniaxial pressing and conventional sintering(up to 1500ºC) using air, oxygen, nitogen gas purging facility, Dedicated grinding-polishing facility for the sintered ceramic pellets and density measurement kit using ASTM C-20 method

Vortex Shaker

Hydraulic Press Unit

Density Measurement Unit


Grinder & Polisher

Fume- Hoods
Facilities procured from Project Funds:

Temperature Programmed reduction
(Chem BET Pulsar TPR/TPD,Quantachrome Instruments)
(Bought with the research grant from DST-SR/FTP/ETA-0160/2014)

Table Top Jar Mill
(Selec Controls Pvt. Ltd.)
(Bought with the research grant from BRNS-R&D/58/FRM/397)

Spray Drying Unit
(Techno Search Process & Systems)
(Bought with the research grant from BRNS-R&D/58/FRM/397)

Probe Sonicator
High Temperature Vacuum Hot Press (HP) Unit
(M/s Nano Tec, Chennai)
(Bought with the research grant from SERB: CRG/2020/001951)
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